My Daemon Persaon

Thursday, July 26, 2007

A Broken Engagement

This perhaps will be one of the saddest entries ever in my journal. I found it to be necessary last evening to break my engagement to Mr. Americanpsycho98 Book. We are no longer a couple. I have no desire to explain publicly why. If asked privately, I may or may not tell you, depending on how well I know you. I do want to say this, though. He is still a friend, and remains so, and I will continue to allow him to sell his goods from my Boutique in the Moors. I would hope my friends continue to treat him respectfully, courteously, and kindly, as they always have in the past. I am in no way making any public denouncements of him. He is hurting as much as I am right now, maybe even more so. He has done many good things to me and for me (such as keeping my parcels in Caledon alive while my computer was dead for 40 days). Being single again will take alot of getting used to. This is something that I don't want to do, but it is also something I have to do. Thank you, 98, for all the good memories. I will cherish them. And thank you my friends (you know who you are), who have taken time to comfort and support me in this time of emotional trial. *wipes her tears and gets ready for the tea*


Anonymous said...

Madame, you know that my doors are open for you any time of the day.

Amber_Palowakski said...

Thank you very much, Lady Dia! *hugs*

Lavendar Beaumont said...

My dear Lady Amber, I am so sorry to hear this. Please come anytime to my home in Kitti for tea and cake and hugs.

L. Beaumont

Amber_Palowakski said...

Thank you very much, Lady Lavendar! I appreciate your support greatly!

Anonymous said...

Lady Amber,

My heart breaks for both you and Mr. Book. May I offer each of you the use of my lighthouse in the Cay? Sunrise and Sunsets are wonderful time to contemplate the future and fondly remember the past. If I can do anything, for either one of you, please do not hesistate to call.


Emilly Orr said...

Even for me, who seems to live a new heartbreak every month, leaving someone behind is never easy. Maintaining friendship and open communication is even harder. I laud you for the effort.

*offers hugs if you wish them*

Amber_Palowakski said...

Thank you, Miss Emily! *gladly accepts your hugs*

Thomas Zaugg said...

My dear Lady Amber, I wish you all the strength you need to cope with this situation. Never forget that the sun will always come out again after a rainy day!

My very best wishes


A. R.

HeadBurro Antfarm said...

Eeek! This will take more that green tea, I feel... this calls for a full on pot of Yorkshire Gold with some fruit loaf!

Lapin Paris said...

Dear Lady Amber- Call upon me at any time if you need a friend. I know how troubling it is to be in your situation. Lots of hugs- Miss Paris

Amber_Palowakski said...

Thank you, Miss Abigail. *hugs back*

Mr. Headburro, I think I shall take you up on your offer for tea. I never had Yorkshire Gold before. Thank you.

Thank you, Miss Paris. Now it's time to focus of RFL, and I'll have to put this problem behind me for the time being.

Eva Bellambi said...

Oh my dear friend. We have spoken of this much over the last couple of days. You are a very strong woman and are clearly well-supported by loving friends.
Having known you well for so long a time, I know you to be a loving, forgiving individual. You will heal. The Loch is at your disposal as always...the grounds, the pub, my private quarters for time to talk. You just let me know.

Amber_Palowakski said...

Thank you Eva! I might have to take you up on your offer for the use of the pub. *smiles and hugs you* I am so warmed by the outpouring of support I have received by all of you!

Gabrielle Riel said...

My dear Amber...

I am here for you.


Amber_Palowakski said...

*hugs on Gabi* Thank you, hon, very much!

Kacy Despres said...

*hugs you tight* I got behind in my blog reading and then saw this. I am so sorry Lady Amber, and as everyone has said before me, come by Kitti anytime you want to have tea, a swing in the hammock, or just a quiet sit.

Kacy Despres

Amber_Palowakski said...

*hugs back* Thank you, Miss Kacy!

Squad 7 said...

*hugs Lady Amber*

If ever you need an ear to listen or a shoulder to lean on, please do not hesitate to visit me in Regency.

Kindest Regards and wishes,

-Miss Connolly